Thursday, August 31, 2006

"Gym in a bottle"

Here's another potential quick-fix in the works.

'Gym pill' for a no-work six-pack

Teams have been studying the genetic pathways controlling how muscle builds up and is broken down in the body.

Tests on rodents showed that manipulating these pathways can halt muscle wastage from disuse or disease.

At least three research groups have identified some of the genes responsible.

Alfred Goldberg and colleagues at Harvard University in the US and a pharmaceutical company Regeneron have found genes called atrogin1 and muRF1 that are active during muscle wasting.

A team at Purdue University, Indiana, has been * looking at a gene called erg1.

More hope for patients with Muscular Dystrophy and chronic wasting. It seems like we read about all these potential applications and "dream drugs" all the time and very few (almost none) actually make it to market. Yet there will likely be new supplements popping up based on this little bit of science news. Keep an eye out for them!

The upshot is that if they make drugs that affect these targets, people who juice can no longer rationalize steroid abuse with excuses like, "I take them only to maintain the muscle I do have."
"Yet, [he] has always maintained that he didn’t use steroids to bulk up, just to maintain his size when he was preparing for a contest."
What ever happened to treatments that will affect leptin? That was supposed to be the new "cure" for obesity.

*Please do not do what the individual is doing to this preacher curl apparatus with his armpit, if only for the sake of decorum, if not hygeine. It sounds like I'm joking till you notice how many guys wear sleeveless shirts in the gym. :|

Also, the guy in the photo has upper cross syndrome, IMO. If he doesn't fix it, it doesn't matter how much weight he curls.

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